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Schloemann & Cie. GmbH
Monbijouplatz 2
D-10178 Berlin-Mitte

Tel. +49-30-28 28 28 2

Management Board:
Hans-Henrik Schlömann

Local Court:
Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg

Trade Register:
HRB 126805 B

value added tax identification number:

Business licence pursuant to Section 34c German Industrial Code (GewO) issued by District Authority Pankow von Berlin, Regulatory Authority/Commercial Matters, Fröbelstraße 17, D-10405 Berlin


Exemption from Liability
Schloemann& Cie. GmbH provides a variety of information, which is updated regularly. Due to the technical features of the Internet, Schloemann & Cie. GmbH cannot, however, assume any liability for the accuracy and completeness of the information found on this site.

The keywords found on this site only serve to provide a general overview of Schloemann & Cie. GmbH. They represent neither an advertisement nor investment advice nor an offer to purchase real estate.

The information on this website is not tailored to individual circumstances and cases or meant for individual investors or investment groups. Before deciding to investment in real estate, you should consult a legal or tax advisor and assess the financial and tax consequences of such an investment on your own authority.

We cannot assume any liability or guarantee for the content of the links to third-party providers found on our website or the proper functioning of such links. The recommendations and opinions found there do not necessarily represent the opinion of Schloemann & Cie. GmbH. Schloemann & Cie. GmbH does not assume any liability that these websites are free of viruses or other harmful components.

Copyright Law
The content and structure of our website is protected under copyright law. All rights are reserved. Information or data (text, images, graphics, sound, video or animated files) found on this website in particular may not be used in any way, either in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Schloemann & Cie. GmbH.

Some schloemann&cie Internet sites also contain images, which are subject to the copyrights of third parties, who have provided such images. A link to the websites may only then be created if it refers to the homepage at (no deep links) and this does not violate any rights (in particular copyrights, performance rights or trade and design rights) of Schloemann & Cie. GmbH, its shareholders or affiliated companies.

Data Protection
Schloemann & Cie. GmbH takes the protection of personal data very seriously. We want you to know when and what type of data we save and how such data is used. We have taken technical and organisational measures in order to ensure that data protection regulations are observed.

Anonymous Data Collection
You can generally visit the non-personalized websites of Schloemann & Cie. GmbH without informing us of who you are. We essentially only learn the name of your Internet service provider (your IP address), the website from which you visit us, date, time and which websites of ours that you visit. This information is analysed for statistical purposes. As an individual user, you thereby remain completely anonymous.

Personal Data
Personal data is information that concerns your identity. This includes information such as your name, address, mailing address, and telephone number. Information, which cannot be directly associated with your true identity (such as, for example, length of stay on the website or number of users of the website) is not considered personal data. Schloemann & Cie. GmbH only collects personal data if you voluntarily provide us with such information, for example, when registering for personalised services. The information you enter on the form will only be stored for the designated purpose. For example, we require your complete address in order to send you real estate offers or business reports. The disclosure of your data to third parties outside of the schloemann&cie Group is excluded unless permitted or prescribed by statutory regulations.

E-mail Information
We are happy to send you information, offers, reports, studies or the like by e-mail. If you provide us with your e-mail address for this purpose, it will only be used for the respective intended purposes.

Use of Cookies
Cookies are small data records, which your browser saves to your local hard drive. On our pages at, "cookies" are used if necessary. The cookies of our Internet pages do not contain any personal data about you whatsoever. Cookies spare you of the need to enter data multiple times, make it easier for you to transmit specific content, and help us to identify particularly popular areas of our online offerings. Consequently, we are able to tailor the content of our Internet pages exactly to the needs of users amongst other things. If you wish, you can deactivate the use of cookies at any time using the settings of your browser. Please use the help function of your browser window in order to find out how you can change these settings. This can, however, result in you no longer being able to use certain areas of our website.

Links to Other Websites
Our Internet presence may contain links to other websites. We have no influence on whether their operators observe data protection regulations. We also do not have any influence whatsoever on the legality of the content of these websites. We therefore do not accept any responsibility for the content of other websites.

Questions and Comments
If you have any questions, suggestions or comments on the topic of data protection, please contact us by e-mail at The rapid development of new Internet technology makes amendments to our data protection policy necessary from time to time. You will be informed of any changes on this page.

Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics also uses cookies. The information generated by the Google cookie through your use of this website (including your IP address) is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google uses this information in order to analyse your use of the website and prepare reports on the website activities for us as well as provide further services connected with the website and Internet use. If necessary, Google will also transmit this information to third parties if required by law or to the extent that third parties process this data on behalf of Google. Google will not under any circumstances associate your IP address with any other Google data. Through the use of this website, you declare your consent to the processing of the data collected about you by Google in the manner described above and for the aforementioned purposes.

We would like to inform you that our website uses Google Analytics with the function “_anonymizeIp()” in order to enhance data protection. IP addresses will therefore only be recorded and processed in truncated form. A direct reference to individual persons is therefore not possible during the analysis of the use of our website.

You can prevent to the use of Google Analytics’ cookies through your browser’s settings. You can thereby exercise your right to object to the collection, processing and use of your data by Google Analytics with effect for the future. In this regard, you can install the Google Analytics’ deactivation add-on for browsers. You will thereby prevent Google Analytics from storing information about your website visits.

Further information as well as tips for downloading and installing this deactivation add-on can be found here.

Picture Credits
Kalle Kolodziej -
flashpics -
Hewac -
SVLuma -
DOC RABE Media -
Igor Toker -
Grischa Georgiew -
mezzotint_fotolia -
Jonn Rübcke -

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